
Hi there! My name is Kelly. I'm a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 14 now! I've lived all over the country and even in Hawaii. Right now, I'm currently in Southeast Missouri. Throughout my adult life, I've wanted to find a forum of some sort that encourages other Christian women. I've found wonderful craft blogs, weight loss sites, motherhood sites, book clubs, etc. So I am going to try my hand at a blog that contains a little bit of everything. Grab a cup of coffee and let's chat!!

Contact me by email at coffeecupchristianity@gmail.com or at urlinia@yahoo.com

Saturday, February 18, 2012

10 Random Things about Kelly

1.  I love cherry pie, cherry kool-aid, cherry flavor in almost everything, but I can't stand whole cherries.  Go figure.  I'm pretty positive it's the texture.
2.  I enjoy discovering out of the way boutiques and thrift stores.  It is totally cool to find something that you really don't have a use for, but wouldn't dare consider leaving the store without it!  (ok, ok, I've gotten much better about that....but still!)
3.  I love classical piano and my favorite artist is George Winston.  Most of his music is so soothing, and on my off days, I can sit and listen to his "Thanksgiving" for hours.
4.  I have one sister and one brother but I'm an only child. =)~
5.  I cannot stand bad grammar.  Words like "brung", "tooken", etc., (grrr...it's "BROUGHT" and "TAKEN"!!) And I truly don't mean to be pompous-sounding, but those two words will illicit an automatic response of correction.
6.  I'm a behind the scenes, take-no-recognition type of person.  I love how things work, I just don't want any credit for it.  Yes, it totally contradicts my extroverted type personality, but I really enjoy watching others enjoy themselves!
7.  I say what I mean and I mean what I say.  Life is difficult enough without having to try and interpret what others really mean.
8.  I love the concept of blogging.  My technologically-illiterate brain still fights me at times...but I'm learning.  It's a slow process! But I'm having fun.
9.  When I met Nani, my best friend, and the "Zoo-crew" after my accident, I was totally terrified.  I was 18 years old, my front teeth were gone or broken, I was wearing a neck and back brace, on crutches, with a bicycle-pump-looking thing with screws sticking out of my left leg.  My thoughts were, "How are they going to be able to "see me" through all this hardware and outward appearances?"  I was pleasantly surprised.  They looked at me, said, "Hi", and resumed their conversation, including me when applicable.  They didn't treat me "different" or as a "freak".  I was amazed and, of course, I fell in love with everyone of them.  Including Nani's mom, Jan.  That day was one of the most pivotal days in my life.  Twenty four years later and counting..... I love you Nani, Scott, Jeff, Sheri, Jan, and John!  (Rest In Peace Jan and John, may angels keep you surrounded in love and peace.)
10.  The most important things in my life are God, family, and friends. I would be lost without even one of them.


Nani said...

sniff, sniff...you put tears in my eyes with #9! I love you too Kelly!! (The key to finding REAL treasure has always been to look inside, not outside!)

Gloria Haynes said...

Man, I understand about the grammar. I live in Tennessee and people drive me crazy when they say things like 5 year instead of years and I will carry you there instead of drive, but the one that really gets me is learned, "she learned me how to sew" Oh my gosh, that makes me want to scream "she taught you how to sew"!!

I found you on Nani's blog, I love her blog and thought I might enjoy your blog, I was right! I am now your newest follower! Have a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said...

Yes, your capcha is turned on... are you using the "Blogger in Draft" (new blogger or are you using the old interface? Let me know & I'll tell you how to turn it off... Thank you very very very much!!! =)

Covnitkepr1 said...

I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

Kelly said...

I think I'm using the new interface. When my best friend helped me get started, she said something to the effect "Wow, this must be the new one [blogspot].

Rain said...

Nice post! Have a beautiful day!~Rain
and your capcha is still on! keep working on it!!