The one part of my home/life that I intend to have completely organized is my Creativity Center. I need to get a room or a storage unit big enough to encompass all my crafts and projects and big enough to allow me to work in. Right now, there is so much craft stuff, yarns, fabric, scrapbooking stuff, picture frames, and much more to boot all over my bedroom and it is totally driving me to distraction. It's pretty overwhelming.
2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?
The taco bell uniform in the 80's. THAT was pretty least I didn't have to dress like a giant taco! That would have been a nightmare!
3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'? This question comes to you courtesy of Betty who blogs over at A Glimpse Into Midlife...everyone go say hi to Betty!
I play it pretty safe in my kitchen as far as recipes and such. But I will have to say that I tried to replace the Velveeta, Rotel Tomatoes, and Philadelphia Cream Cheese (that I use for my cheese dip) with generic replacements.........DEFINITELY will not be doing that again.
4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?
Somehow, I seemed to have developed a knack for letting negativity roll off me like water on a duck's back. Much of my life was surrounded in negativity so I finally decided that I wasn't going to go down like that! Maybe it's the gallons of Diet Coke I drink daily or it's the hours of playtime with my grandbabies that has helped. I have noticed though, once you have grandchildren, the world really does look a whole lot different. A mother takes her child for a walk and by the time they return to the house, mom is ready to be committed after calling the gypsies to come take her unruly child away from her. She dumps out her "Mom bag" with a first aid kit, extra socks, an extra set of clothes, snacks, toys, books, and other various things she felt was an absolute necessity on this walk and falls onto the couch absolutely frazzled and exhausted. Grandparents take 2 things on a walk with same child....Kleenex and Lifesavers. It's amazing to me to see how I used to be that frazzled mother and now I'm the Grandma with the Kleenex and the camera!
5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree?
5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree?
Apparently, my dad said that I resemble a couple of his aunts (whom I have never met) I tend to favor my dad's side of the family anyways. Out of my four children, my two oldest resemble me, and my two youngest resemble their father! It's uncanny at times to watch my son walk into the room, or smile a certain way.
6. January 8th is NationalBubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?
6. January 8th is National
Actually, I celebrated the National Bubble Bath Day a few days early. My 1 year old granddaughter and I had fun in a bubble bath till the water got too cold and we had to end it!
7. Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah), Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnival (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China). Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?
7. Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah), Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnival (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China). Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?
Well, Nani at Chronicles of Nani, who is my best friend, and I had made plans to hit Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge, (not New Orleans because of the crime), but Hurricane Katrina ended those plans double quick and in a hurry. So that's still something I would like to do, someday.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I've decided that being politically correct at all times is debilitating to your sense of who you are and I choose not to adhere so strictly to that school of thought in 2013.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I've decided that being politically correct at all times is debilitating to your sense of who you are and I choose not to adhere so strictly to that school of thought in 2013.
(Finally getting caught up on my blogs - but I almost missed that you did this one!)
I had forgotten that we'd planned to go to Baton Rouge rather than New Orleans, but now that you mention it, I remember. I still picked Mardi Gras as long as we go together.
As far as the kids goes, yes the oldest look like you, in fact when David saw me reading Erica's facebook page and saw the picture he asked "Is that Kelly?" And I agree that looks-wise Rachel is SO her daddy's girl, but I beg to differ on Stephen! I think there is a ton of you in his features! Maybe you see his Dad when he "smiles a certain way" but I see a lot of you in him!
Eeks! The way you describe the "mom bag" I really was a mom when Tori and Rina were little! But you forgot to mention hand sanitizer. They even had hand sanitizer for their first purses! (and lip balm and a coin purse and what else do you put in a 4-year old's purse?)
I hope this is the start of more blogging in 2013! It makes me miss you just a tiny bit less!
Kelly - Your blog is just loaded in for my Grow Your Blog party - looking forward to your special party post. I hope you make lots of new friends and become a friend to many!
Hi, Kelly! Found your blog over at "Grow Your Blog Party". I really enjoy reading your posts and am now following you. Stop on over at my two blogs, if you get the chance.
In His Love, Ann @
Hi! Found you from the blog hop, come follow me :)
Love your blog! Will be following with coffee in hand:-) Come over and visit me sometime.
Hello (waves hand in air)
I am here for the Grow your Blog party. Yay! I will come back and check for your party.
HI Kelly
Found your blog through the blog party! Am looking forward to learning more about you and yours.
Come say Howdy!
Kelly, your blog is a Blessing.
1. Organized, what's that. I would like to organize my life to just be more simple.
2. Not that my guard uniform was the worst, it was just not made to fit women.
3. Kitchen Mishap, just yesterday, i melted plastic over the rolls in the oven, I was sewing and forgot about them.
4.Grandchildren are the best, we have 9, #10 due in July and one great grandchild. We have 7 of our own.
5. They say I look like my mom (didn't really know her), but my oldest son and his children look like me.
6. No Bubble Bath
7. Haven't done any winter festivals.
8. I will post on my blog my random thought.
loved your blog like that you travelled to a place of your honeymoon to revive memories
follow me :)
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